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E’ previsto, oggi pomeriggio, l’arrivo a Termoli degli ospiti del Progetto europeo “Tourismed Plus” dedicato al pescaturismo di cui l’Aast è partner.

Il Meeting internazionale prenderà il via il 21 giugno, alle ore 16, con un incontro tecnico presso la Cala Sveva ed in serata, a seguire, a partire dalle 21.30 la “study visit” con un percorso tra il Borgo antico, il porto e il mercato ittico.

Il 22 giugno, alle ore 10, si terrà la conferenza finale (aperta alla stampa) sempre presso la Cala Sveva di Termoli.

Il programma della “due giorni”

21 giugno

  • Ore 16:00 Opening
  • 16.15-17.15 Overall progress of Tourismed Plus
  • 17.15-17.45 Finacial Monitoring
  • 18.00  End of the meeting
  • 19.30 Social dinner

Study Visit

  • 21.30 visit to the “Borgo Antico”
  • 22.30 Meeting with the fisherman at the port. Storytelling with a fisherman
  • 23.00 End of the study Visit

22 giugno:

10.00 Opening session Giovanna Sciulla (Aast)

         Welcome Carolina Navarro (Fundación Valenciaport)     

10.15-11.00 How to integrate fish tourism in the regions. Experience from Tourismed Project

                   Moderate by: Carolina Navarro (Fundación Valenciaport), Alessandro Melillo (PRISM)

                   Tommaso Scavone (PETRA) Francisco Gracia (Feel and Trip)

Coffee break

11.15-12.00 Fishing tourism and public policies. Implementing new models for tourism


Moderated by Alessandro Melillo (PRISM), Antoine Duval (President of the Fishing Tourism Mediterranean Association) Paul-Jo Caitucoli, (Territorial councillor, Chairman of the European and international affairs committee) Nicola Pavone (Director of Tourism Office Molise Region)

12.00-12.45 – Tourismed Plus: capitalization process in new territories. Outputs and results. Round table on results from fishing tourism and next steps towards the implementation.

Moderated by Tommaso Scavone (PETRA): Ms.Milena Pallotta, External Expert from AAST Ms. Daniela Mati? and Mrs. Sladjana Maslac (Municipality of Neum) Ms. Ivana Ostoic (External expert from Municipality of Ulcjini) Mr Deniz Frljukcic (Ministry of agriculture and water management, Department for Fisheries of Montenegro) 12.45-13.00 Interreg Med Programme. Voices from horizontal community. Mr Andrea Di Girolamo, Adriatic Ionian Euroregion

12.45-13 Interreg Med Programme. Voices from Horizontal Community

Mr. Andrea Di Girolamo (Adriatic Ionian Euroregion)

13.15 closing of the Meeting and light lunch.